With an array of neighbourhood gardens, Lakeside Park and the recently opened Waterfront, along with a 11-a-side standard football turf, cricket stadium, and a 9-hole golf course, Palavians have always had access to the best outdoor, recreational and sports facilities. But nothing beats the Olympic Sports Centre at Lakeshore Greens that offers an unparalleled sports infrastructure in the entire KDMC region.

This world-class sporting facility offers citizens the opportunity to learn and pursue a score of sports. Equipped with the latest sports accessories and state-of-the-art infrastructure, the Olympic Sports Centre houses a 50 meters Olympic-sized swimming pool, 6 squash courts, 5 tennis courts, 3 badminton courts, and a basketball court. Also, the professional coaching framework further strengthens sports at Palava.

Being a citizen of Palava means unrestricted access to learn a sport from experienced, talented coaches and renowned personalities who have represented the state and country in various national & international events. Beginning with the basics, students can choose to learn a sport as a hobby or hone his or her skills further to become a master and gain professional success.

If you would like to enrol your child in any of the sports academies at the Olympic Sports Centre, Palava, please reach out to the Sports Council at info@hotfut.in with your child’s name, age, and the sport he/she would like to pursue.