Learning something new is fun, and learning a language makes it more empowering. The happiness of teaching is fulfilling and when it is to your peers it becomes humbling. Over 100 students from Palava’s neighboring village, Khoni, and teachers and students of Lodha World School, Palava experienced an array of these emotions as they came together for ‘Building Nation through Education’ a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative guided by Lodha’s vision of building a better life.

Held at the Khoni village government school on the last weekend of July, the inaugural session was a thought-provoking street play that the 15 SEWA student volunteers from Lodha World School performed to highlight the value and fun of reading.

This was followed by some hula-hoops team games and distribution of Reading Literacy Tool Kits. The students from Khoni excitedly explored the tool kit that included flash cards, picture books, building blocks, storybooks (level 1, 2 & 3), worksheets, writing instruments (pencil, erasers), colours and drawing sheets! In addition to the fun and games, accompanying teachers from Lodha World School instructed the village students on how to solve the English worksheet while the SEWA volunteers helped them through it.

And at the conclusion of two hours, Meera Ramanathan, Principal, Lodha World School, Palava made a special announcement sparked a crescendo of applause and cheer. In addition to the Lodha World School students volunteering their time to educate the less fortunate children, the school has also opened their doors to the community. The children from Khoni village will now enjoy access to the library of Lodha World School, Palava, where they can indulge in reading and learning both individually and through group sessions. Ramanathan says, “I will never forget the expression of delight on those young faces. It was a heartfelt moment indeed. They aspire to become doctors and teachers, they are curious to learn to better their lives and I am glad we can fulfill their wishes.”
Raunika Malhotra, President – Marketing and Corporate Communications said; “In the journey of growing with the nation to the full potential, every citizen or a body plays a crucial role in some way or the other. Owning that thought, Lodha strongly believes that “Doing Well” with its business is at the core, but also contributing by “Doing Good” will only make a stronger nation in the long run and this initiative truly mirrors the intention of building the nation through education.”

Taking one more step towards a better education and life, the Lodha Foundation will be adopting the government school at Khoni village. This will guarantee that the 100+ kids get the chance to follow their passions and talents, helping to strengthen our country through education one community at a time.

At Palava, the International City with an Indian Heart, we do our best to foster a caring attitude for both our immediate and larger communities. We adopt efforts that improve lives. By permitting library access at Lodha World School at Lakeshore Greens to the students of Khoni village, we have taken an initiative to aid the underserved, empower them, and enable them to lead better lives.