Raise your green thumb!

It is said that gardening is the art of nurturing life, where patience blossoms, and the touch of nature brings solace to the soul. Plants are meant to lend character to life, they are known to respond to touch and emotions.

They are known to be happy companions and natural dopamine boosters. If you are considering pursuing gardening as a hobby you’ve chanced on just the right blog that shares short and sweet ways to begin gardening at home!

Step 1: Pot with Nourishing Soil

Make sure your garden soil is nutrient-rich and well-draining to prevent waterlogging and root rot. You can amend it with compost or organic matter to improve its quality.

Step 2: Choose the Right Plants

Indian summers are humid, rains are torrential, and winters are pleasant; therefore, select plants that are well-suited for our weather conditions and factors in water requirements and growth habits before making your choices.

Our Tip: Money plant, Snake plant, Peace lily, Pothos, and Spider plant make for good indoor green companions

Step 3: Ensure Proper Ventilation

Good air circulation is essential for healthy indoor plants. Open your home windows or use fans to maintain fresh air flow. Avoid placing plants in areas with stagnant air or in closed-off rooms.

Step 4: Watch How Much You Water

Indoor plants generally require less water compared to outdoor plants. Water your plants when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Be careful not to pour excess!

Step 5: Keep Away Pests

Watch for common indoor pests like aphids, spider mites, or mealybugs. Remember to periodically inspect your plants and take prompt action if you notice any signs of infestation. Our tip: Isolation of the plant and use of Insecticidal soaps, neem oil or garlic spray often manage the problem.

Step 6: Monitor Sunlight

Ensure your plants receive the right amount of sunlight according to their requirements. Observe throughout the day to determine the sunniest and shadiest spots.

Step 7: Timely Prune and Groom

Regularly trim back leggy or overgrown greens to maintain the shape and remove dead leaves or flowers to promote healthier growth of your indoor garden.

Step 8: Regularly Fertilize

Indoor plants benefit from fertilization (once a year) to replenish nutrients. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer or slow-release granules according to the package instructions.

Our tip: Be cautious not to over-fertilize.

Step 9: Personalize Plant Care

Each of your chosen indoor plant will have its own specific care requirements. Do your research and understand the temperature preferences, humidity requirements, and specific care instructions for optimal growth of each plant species.

Step 10: Experiment and Explore

Gardening is a continuous learning process. Stay curious, chat with our botanical lovers, read gardening books and don’t be afraid to try new techniques to bloom your garden!

With 60% open and green spaces at Palava City, our residents already enjoy a very healthy balance of natural spaces and urban infrastructure, necessary for a holistic well-being. The adoption of such home-gardening methods would allow our residents and the wider community beyond to contribute further to environment friendly practices.

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