Is your home pet-friendly?

They bring warmth and joy to our lives! On gloomy days their cozy snuggles and hugs liven up the room! From the gentle purring of a cat to a dog’s enthusiastic barks and wagging tail their mere presence can turn a house into a home. All those paw-rents reading this can vouch for the unconditional love and unwavering loyalty that pets offer. Therefore we surely can be a bit mindful of creating a home that keeps them safe and happy! Is your home pet-friendly? Does it have the things we deem best suited for your pets?

Lay those Mats and Mark that Space

If you have wooden floors, lay a few mats for your cats and dogs to help them move around with a firm grip. Soft mats are ideal for both dogs and cats. Also scratch pads would be a bonus for your cats! Mark out a dedicated area for their enclosures, cozy bed, toys and feeding or scratching stations. This will make your furry loved ones feel safe.

Keep Things out of Reach

Pets are forever curious and can unknowingly begin playing or eat things that may be harmful to them. Take precautions by securing hazardous items such as cleaning supplies and medications in locked cabinets or high shelves. Keep electrical cords out of reach or use cord covers to prevent chewing.

Plant safely

Homes that welcome pets must have indoor plants that don’t disturb them. You can have pet-friendly indoor plants if you love to add a natural touch to your home’s design. Pets are welcome around certain plants, like spider plants, parlour palms, areca palms, baby tears, African violet etc.

Establish Boundaries

If you have toddlers, then look for baby gates or other similar barriers to create boundaries within your home. This can help keep your pet away from certain areas such as bedrooms, upper floors or the kitchen. Also, you could use pet-friendly furniture covers or throws to protect your upholstery from pet hair and scratches. Remember when it comes to hugs and kisses, pets have never heard of boundaries!

Keep it Clean

Regularly clean and maintain your home to keep it fresh and hygienic. Vacuum or sweep up pet hair, wash pet bedding and their stuff toys, and clean hair shedding daily. As much as they love everything humans do, remember to use pet-friendly cleaning products to avoid any harmful chemicals.

Watch your Outdoors

If you have a terrace, create a secure outdoor space for your pet to enjoy and keep it free from any gaps or holes that your pet could slip or get stuck in. You can also incorporate pet-friendly landscaping by avoiding toxic plants and providing areas for digging or exploring.

The love we receive from our pets is truly one of life’s greatest blessings. Enjoy an abundance of fuzzy moments and soak in the pure and simple joys of life.

At Palava City, we would want our pet owning families to bond well with their animals both indoors and outdoors. Similar to how it is for humans, access to open green areas is crucial for mental health and adequate exercise for pets as well. We are pleased the city provides not only spacious well designed residences but also beautiful green parks befitting for a wholesome stay for everyone.

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